1 3/4 cups tomato juice
1 garlic clove
4 cups swiss cheese or gruyere cheese, shredded (16 oz)
3 tablespoons flour
1/2 teaspoon worcestershire sauce (Use vegetarian Worcestershire to make this recipe vegetarian.)
3/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup vegetable broth
1/4 teaspoon white pepper
1/4 teaspoon dry mustard
1/4 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg
1/4 cup tomato juice

serve with

1 loaf French bread or focaccia bread, cubed
1 small red potato, steamed & quartered
  diced ham
  1. In top of double boiler heat 1 3/4 cups tomato juice with garlic until very hot.
  2. Place over boiling water, and remove garlic.
  3. Add cheese, a small amount at a time stirring constantly until cheese is melted.
  4. Combine flour, Worcestershire sauce, and seasonings with 1/4 cup tomato juice; stir into cheese mixture.
  5. Continue stirring until smooth; if the fondue becomes too thick, add more tomato juice and broth.



Gli Olma bratwurst sono dei grossi wunster chiari fatti di vitello , maiale e siero di latte
sono tipici del cantone di Saint Gall
si preparano saltati in padella con abbondanti cipolle e si mangiano con rostli e/o marmellata di cipolle



soffriggere un misto di verdure in padella (piselli , carote etc..) nel burro con cipolla o scalogno
lessare spinaci e patate a pezzettini (sbucciate) in brodo vegetale
aggiungere le verdure precedentemebte saltate in padella e sobbollire per 20 minuti
assaggiare , salare e aggiungere la panna o latte o meta' e meta'
servire con crostini e gruviera gratuggiato a parte e spolverare con prezzemolo e pepe macinato
(gli Svizzeri ci mettono anche maccheroncini che diventano inevitabilmente stracotti e possono essere omessi o sostituiti con pasta che non scuoce)
al posto della pasta si possono utilizzare cereali tipo orzo ,farro ,grano, quinoa ,miglio , bulgur etc..

Ingredients for 4 persons:
approx. 600 g (1.3 pounds) of white bread
(instead of the bread you can use small unpealed potatoes)
1 piece of garlic
400 g (0.9 pounds) grind Greyerzer cheese
200 g (0.44 pounds) grind Emmentaler cheese
3 dl (10 fl. ounces) white wine
5 cl (1.7 fl. ounces) kirsch
2 tea spoons of maizena
grind pepper
a small amount of nutmeg

Cut the bread into small pieces.
Split the piece of garlic in two and rub the inside of the caquelon with the them.
Put the cheese and the wine in the caquelon and cook them on the cook stove.
Constantly stir the mixture. Add kirsch and maizena, but keep stirring.
Leave them on the stove for a while, but make sure it does not overheat.
The mixture tends to spill out of the pot if it gets too hot !
Add pepper and nutmeg, then put the caquelon on the burner on the table.
Adjust the heat so that the cheese stays at a constant temperature while eating. Put a small piece of bread on the fork, stir it gentle in the cheese and enjoy.